We use the engine of B/X-Labyrinth Lord with chrome from AD&D including the division of race and class. We do include two adapted rules from 3E (cleave for fighters and spontaneous casting for clerics/magic-users). We also use a simplifed set of miniature combat rules where speed and commonsense prevail.
Anything written on this wiki trumps all print books.
Character Generation:
1. Roll 3d6 seven times, discard the lowest, and arrange to taste.
2. Select your class. Full hit points plus Constitution adjustment at first level.
3. Use the equipment, weapons, armour table, and prices from equipment.
4. Consult Occupations before you became a low-life adventurer.
General Houserules:
1. The difficulty of the cleric undead turning table will be increased by one.
2. 1pp = 5gp.
3. A saving throw versus Magic is allowed (for monsters and players) against the spell Sleep.
4. The same spell cannot be memorized more than once, the exception includeS the use of magic items for this purpose.
5. Shadows are considered negative energy undead.
Races: Human, Half-Orc, Elf, Half-Elf, Hobbit, Gnome, Dwarf
Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin, Assassin, Thief, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Magic-User, Illusionist.
•Ordinary People in Extraordinary Circumstances: For humans, the four basic character classes have no ability minimum requirements (fighters, clerics, magic-users, and thieves). So you can play a stupid wizard, foolish cleric, klutzy thief, or puny fighter. All other classes and demi-human races have ability score requirements.
•Languages: All characters begin play knowing their own language. Additional bonus languages (or negatives) are subject to Intelligence score. Alignment languages have been dropped. In places of alignment languages, the following languages may be selected as bonus languages (again, subject to INT):
1. Ancient Common (Law) | Similar to Latin, Ancient Common is a dead language (to all but spell-casters) | Bonus language for clerics |
2. Thieves’ Cant (Neutral) | The language of outlaws, thieves, and criminals, heard in back alleys and seedy taverns | Bonus language for thieves |
3. Black Tongue (Chaos) | The vile, guttural speech of monstrous creatures, necromancers, and demon cults | Bonus language for arcane spellcasters |
•Background: Write a very short, creative background for your character. Answer two questions: 1) Who are you? 2) How did you end up at this gods-forsaken, northern town inhabited by criminals, barbarians, and cut-throats, at the ass-end of the civilized realm?
•Experience Point Bonus: +5% if primary ability score(s) is 13-15, +10% if primary ability score(s) is 16-18.
•Hirelings: You are strongly encouraged to employ hirelings. We generate hirelings using Meatshields!: The Classic Fantasy Hireling and Henchman Generator. Hirelings come in three forms: non-combatant labourers, men-at-arms (human and demi-human), henchman (Cleric, Fighter, or Magic-User). The morale of your hirelings is subject to your charisma score. Hirelings with a high morale will stand and fight, hirelings with low morale will flee in the face of danger and death. If your character dies in the middle of an adventure you can play a man-at-arms.
The cost to recruit is 5gp for pamphlets, drinks at the tavern etc or 10gp to approach the local guildmaster and The League of Ordinary Gentlemen.
Hireling Type | Rate of Pay? | Treasure? | Experience Points? |
Torch-Bearers/Porters | 5sp/day* | No | No |
Man-at-arms | 1gp (HU) or 3gp (DH)/day* | No | 1/2 of PC |
Henchman | n/a | Full | Full |
*The first 3 day’s payment must be made in advance.
Men-at-arms begin play at -1500 experience points and henchmen begin play at zero experience points.
For combat we'll be using a minis-lite rule-set (also see simplified movement rates). The following are in effect (and are subject to negotiated revision depending on play):
•Fleeing: Turning your back on an opponent(s) in melee draws an immediate single attack (from each).
•Reach: Spears and halberds have 5 reach and may also reach from the second rank. Polearms cannot be used against an adjacent enemy (must switch to melee weapon).
•Ranged attacks: Human and elves may fire ranged weapons from the second rank over the head of dwarves/halflings/gnomes
•To Hit Bonuses: Flanked opponent +2, Prone +4, Attack from Behind either +2 or +4 (DM’s discretion)
•Coup de Gras: Unconscious opponent (Auto-Hit Save vs. Death + DMG or die)
•Missile Attacks into Melee (defined as shooting through an ally): A natural low roll (1-3 on d20) will hit party member.
•Missile Attacks: Must be more than 5ft (1 square) from target
•Universal Point Blank Range: 10-15ft. Any missile attack within PBR (from either 10 or 15ft away).
•When a session ends, time out of game passes at the same rate as "real" time.
Hit Points | Result |
0 HPs (exactly) | Unconscious for 1d6 rounds then revives to 1 HP |
-1 to -10 HPs | Save vs. Death or die. Save: unconscious for 1d6 rds then revive to 1 HP* |
Below -10 HPs | Dead, No Save |
•Bind Wounds: Heal 1-3 hit points after each combat if 10 minutes spent.
Can bind unconscious character’s wounds to revive (with 1 hp)
•Funeral Pyres: If the body of a fallen hireling/man-at-arms or fellow PC is recovered it may be burned on a funeral pyre. PCs may donate up to 50gp per hireling/man-at-arms or 100gp/level of the fallen PC in gold, treasure, etc and earn an equivalent level of experience point bonus.
Name (Common) | Name (Ancient Common) | Holy Symbol |
Gods of Law | ||
Torm, God of Duty | Veneratus | A white hand on blue field |
St. Ygg, God of Righteousness | Veridicus | A red cross on a white field |
Geddinthor, Dwarven God of Battle | Klahngeddin | A warhammer on a white field |
Barbute, God of Guardians and Protectors | Barbutas | A great helm |
Gods of Neutrality | ||
Silvanus, God of Nature | Silvanus | Face of the green man |
Herne the Hunter, Forest Guardian (Minor) | Venator Cervus | An antlered head |
Arcantryl, Goddess of Magic | Magus Magicae | A blue star on a white field |
Crom, God of War | Crom Cruach | Crown over a mountain |
Iron God, Dead Guardian (Minor) | Ferum Dominus | A grey skull |
Gods of Chaos | ||
Tiamat, Goddess of Vengeance | Domina Draconis | A dragon |
Orcus, God of Undeath | Malum Mortis | A white ram on a black field |
Impurax, God of Rot | Inficio Infectum | A rotting, fanged hand |
Set, God of Snakes | Salas Serpentum | Two snakes facing each other |
Nergal, God of the Underworld and Undeath (presumbed dead) | Magnum Mortis | A Skull |
SIMPLIFIED MOVEMENT RATES (Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs)
No Armor | 120/turn or 40/rd |
No Armor and Treasure (300 coins) | 90/turn or 30/rd |
Light or Medium Armour (1) | 90/turn or 30/rd |
Light or Medium and Treasure (200 coins) | 60/turn or 20/rd |
Heavy Armour (2) | 60/turn or 20/rd |
Heavy Armour and Treasure (100 coins) | 30/turn or 10/rd |
(1) Leather, Studded Leather, or Chainmail | |
(2) Platemail |
*Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings move 20/rd and decrease to 10/rd in Heavy Armour and Treasure (100 coins)
Thief | M-U | Fighter | Cleric | |
Human | 16+1d4 | 19+1d12 | 16+1d4 | 20+1d4 |
Dwarf | 45+3d6 | - | 50+3d6 | 60+3d6 |
Elf | 125+3d8 | 150+4d8 | 125+4d8 | 180+4d8 |
Halfling | 25+2d6 | - | 30+1d6 | - |
Gnome | 80+3d6 | 100+3d6 | 85+3d6 | 110+3d6 |
RANDOM HEIGHT AND WEIGHT (take the average from human and elf for half-elves)
Height | Modifier | Weight | Modifier | |
Human, Male | 5’9” | 1d6 | 175 | 4d10 |
Human, Female | 5’6” | 1d6 | 130 | 3d10 |
Dwarf, Male | 4’0” | 1d6 | 150 | 3d6 |
Dwarf, Female | 3’10” | 1d6 | 120 | 3d6 |
Elf, Male | 5’0” | 1d6 | 100 | 3d6 |
Elf, Female | 4’6” | 1d6 | 80 | 2d6 |
Halfling, Male | 3’0” | 1d4 | 40 | 3d4 |
Halfling, Female | 2’9” | 1d4 | 30 | 2d4 |