A large town, the capital of the Northern Reaches. Previously occupied by the Dragon Army, the town is now under the command of Castellan Belrain, an elf warrior, and Cardinal Ludwig, a high-priest of law. Only half of the city is habitable, the other half remains in ruins.
- 1. North Gate
- 2. Goblin Castle
- 3. White River Falls
- 4. Ruins of the East Gate
- 5. The Flaming Troll Tavern
- 6. Hireling Hall
- 7. Marketplace
- 8. The Broken Buckler
- 9. Turgen Trade Goods
- 10. The Silver Standard Merchant Caravans
- 11. Abandoned Dwarven Warehouse
- 12. Temple of Law
- 13*. Chapel of the Iron God
* Not shown on map.